同志社大学 一神教学際研究センター CISMOR

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Palestinian Islamic Movements’ Relations with Iran: Historical Alliances within a Limited Strategic Partnership


CISMOR seminar (no.2/ 2023)

Palestinian Islamic Movements’ Relations with Iran: Historical Alliances within a Limited Strategic Partnership

日時: 2023年12月22日(金)16:45-18:15
場所: 会場:同志社大学 烏丸キャンパス 志高館会議室(1F
  • Dr. Seyed Ali Alavi (Middle Eastern and Iranian Studies、School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies), University of London)
Since the outbreak of conflict in Gaza in October 2023, involving Israel and the Hamas-led government, global media outlets have intensely speculated about Iran's ties with Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. These groups are perceived as key enablers, potentially advancing Gaza's war capabilities. Amidst various commentaries and political speculations, some suggest that Hamas's operations in October 2023 were orchestrated under the supervision of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Despite such conjectures, Western security reports indicate a lack of concrete evidence linking Iran to the October conflict between Hamas and Israel.
The relationship between Palestinian factions and Iran is far more complex than a simplistic, one-sided depiction. These factions, while benefiting from Iranian support in the form of knowledge and technology, retain a significant degree of autonomy, shaping their actions based on their interests. Iran, for its part, seeks to uphold its pro-Palestinian stance, crafting sophisticated alliances with allies. This strategy aims to develop hybrid warfare capabilities as a defensive measure against perceived threats from Israel and U.S. hegemony.
This presentation, deriving insights from my recent chapter on Palestine and Iran, transcends traditional notions of alliances. It delves into the dynamics of the Palestinian Islamic Movements' foreign relations, particularly with Middle Eastern powers, including Iran. The focus is on dissecting these relationships beyond conventional frameworks, offering a nuanced understanding of the geopolitical interplay in the region.