> 国際会議 >
Toward Peaceful Alliance and Cooperation in the Caucasus Tectonic Changes in the Region
International Conference
Toward Peaceful Alliance and Cooperation in the Caucasus Tectonic Changes in the Region
日時: |
2023年03月26日(日)15:00-17:00 |
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ハイブリッド(会場+オンライン)方式で開催いたします。 会場:同志社大学今出川校地 烏丸キャンパス 志高館1F会議室 オンライン: zoom platform |
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要旨: | |
The 2020 Second Karabakh War between Azerbaijan and Armenia changed the balance of powers in the South Caucasus. Yet, Russia's War in Ukraine has dramatically impacted the region and beyond. Two distinguished speakers from Azerbaijan will examine the rapidly changing security landscape in the South Caucasus and its implications for European security. First, Rahman Shahhuseynli will address the shifting balance of power among Turkey, Russia and Iran in the aftermath of the Second Karabakh War. Second, Anar Valiyev will depict the views of local foreign policy communities in Ukraine, Azerbaijan, and Georgia about the future of the Black Sea region and broader European security after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Will the South Caucasus states mitigate tension and cooperate toward regional peace? Will the three countries work toward the Black Sea area's political, economic, and transit ecosystems? The lecturers will discuss these questions. Organized by the Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究A:ハイブリッド戦争時代における新たな安全保障学の構築 :中東ユーラシア地域の事 例から(2022~2025) 研究代表者: 中西久枝, 課題番号:22H00051] Co-organized by the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Monotheistic Religions (CISMOR), Doshisha University 問合せ 同志社大学 一神教学際研究センター TEL :075-251-3972/E-mail: rc-issin@mail.doshisha.ac.jp 中西久枝 Email: hinakani@mail.doshisha.ac.jp |
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