日時: |
2018年04月14日(土)9:00-16:00 |
場所: | 同志社大学今出川キャンパス神学館G31教室 |
発表者: |
コメンテーター: |
要旨: | |
Date: April 14, 2018 (Sat.) Place: SHINGAKU-KAN room G31 Time: 9:00 - 16:00 Coordinator: Prof. Ada Taggar-Cohen (Faculty of Theology, Doshisha University) The workshop includes presentations of advanced PhD students and students who are just starting their PhD studies. Topics range from Hebrew Bible to Studies on Judaism in Modern Era. SESSION A 9:00-9:05 – Opening Words 9:05-9:35 Yuji Endo, “זכר in the Hebrew Bible” 9:35-10:05 Etsuko Tsutsumi, “The waw-consecutive Usage in the Book of Jonah Prose” 10:05-10:35 Michio Akao, “ ‘All Israel’(כל ישראל) in the Books of Chronicles” Coffee break SESSION B 10:45-11:15 Takuya Kobayashi, “Hasidic Stories in Modern Jewish Research” 11:15-11:45 Megumi Ishiida, “The Early Ages of Messianic Jewish Movement” 11:45-12:15 Shirah M. Cohen, “Literature in National Context: The Case of Mori Ōgai and Hayyim Nahman Bialik” 12:15-12:45 Yu Amano, “Jewish Intellectuals in Iraq” Lunch Break SESSION C 13:30-14:00 Miyaki Arai, “The Function of the Pit בור as a Burial Place in the Hebrew Bible” 14:00-14:30 Kayo Yasunaka, “The Manumission of Slaves in Jeremiah 34:8-17: The Use of Two Words חָפְשִׁי and דְּרוֹר” 14:30-14:45 Break ********** SESSION D Short Research Description (Post-Doc Researchers of the Faculty of Theology and CISMOR) 14:45-15:00 Dr. Tetsu Kitamura, “The lack of ‘Zion’ in the Book of Ezekiel” 15:00-15:15 Dr. Kotaro Hiraoka, “From Abarvanel to Buber” 15:15-15:30 Dr. Anri Ishiguro, “Cultural Zionism in America; American Judaism and Women” 15:30-15:45 Dr. Hajime Yamamoto, “Religious Role of Kings in the Ancient Near East focusing on the Hittite Royal Ideology” 15:45-16:00 Dr. Taiji Abe, “Industrial Aspect of Monotheistic Religions, and Religious Business” Prof. Ada Taggar-Cohen - Concluding Remarks Guests scholars: Prof. Akira Echigoya, Prof. Etsuko Katsumata, Dr. Doron B. Cohen (Faculty of Theology, Doshisha University) Dr. Miki Bul-Daliot (Faculty of Asian Studies, Haifa University, Israel) |