【2021/4/24 研究者・学生限定 事前申込要】CISMORセミナーno1./2021 開催のお知らせ(オンライン)
We will hold the CISMOR Seminar series (no.1/2021)
“Questioning the WAR in Tigray, Ethiopia, since November 2020
News, doubts, facts and counterfacts”
on the following time and place:
Date: Saturday 24th April, 2021
【Kyoto, Japan】16:30-18:00 // 【Paris, France】9:30-11:00
Lecturer: Prof. Éloi Ficquet
(Center for Social Sciences Studies of Religions (CéSor),
School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS), Paris)
Place:Online (Zoom Platform)
*Please install “Zoom” app. on your PC or smartphone and check whether it works correctly in advance.
Language: English only. No interpretation
If you would like to participate in this seminar, please register from
here (application form) .
Registration closes on by 18th April,2021
If you have any questions or have any trouble in registration,
please feel free to contact us :
CISMOR Office, Doshisha University
E-mail: rc-issin@mail.doshisha.ac.jp