2024/09/132024/10/01【事前申込要】CISMORセミナーno2/2024ハイブリッド開催のお知らせ”Nationalism and War: The Long-Term Perspective”
2024/08/302024/0914-15【研究者・学生対象 事前申込要】The Novelties of The Books of Samuel A Workshop on the Biblical Books of Samuel At Doshisha University
2024/05/212024/06/29【事前申込要】”The 3rd Academic Workshop Co-organized by CISMOR and IKTINOS “Wisdom in the Bible and Beyond”開催のお知らせ
2024/04/092024/05/25【事前申込要】CISMORセミナーno.2/2024 オンライン開催のお知らせ”Horrors and Wonders and Judaism: new wave in contemporary Israeli Literature”
2024/04/092024/05/18【事前申込要】CISMORセミナーno.1/2024開催のお知らせ(ハイブリット)”Meaning in Life— A Philosophical Perspective”
2024/02/22【Call for Papers2024年5月31日締切】第15回AFMA(アジア中東学会)大会 “Towards an Optimal Framework for Middle East Studies: Asian and Middle Eastern Perspectives in an Era of Global Challenge” における研究発表の公募
2024/01/192024/02/05【事前申込要】CISMORセミナーno.5/2023開催のお知らせ(ハイブリット)”Encountering the Suffering of the Other. Israelis and Palestinians visit the suffering of the other group”
2023/12/272024/01/12【事前申込要】CISMORセミナーno.4/2023開催のお知らせ(ハイブリット)“Madhhab-i ʿishq (The School of Love): Rūmī and the (Non)-Representation of Shiʿism in 13th Century Anatolia”
2023/12/112023/12/22【事前申込要】CISMORセミナーno.3/2023開催のお知らせ(ハイブリット)Computational Approaches to the Study of Hadith
2023/11/282023/12/22【事前申込要】CISMORセミナーno.2/2023開催のお知らせ(ハイブリット)Palestinian Islamic Movements’ Relations with Iran: Historical Alliances within a Limited Strategic Partnership
2023/11/012023/12/02【事前申込要】CISMORセミナーno.1/2023 開催のお知らせ(ハイブリット)Gershom Scholem Today: On the Political Relevance of a Kabbalah Researcher”
2022/11/11CISMOR Workshop 「The Return of the Absent Father A New Reading of a Chain of Stories from the Babylonian Talmud 」
2022/09/2611/19オンライン研究会開催のお知らせ First International Workshop by Halal KAKEN Project; “Standardization of Halal Standards and Dynamics of Diversity in the Global Era”
2019/03/31[出版物]プロシーディングス『Judaism in Modern Era- Interpretative Studies of Ancient and Current Texts』を刊行しました。