同志社大学 一神教学際研究センター CISMOR

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2024/01/12【事前申込要】CISMORセミナーno.4/2023開催のお知らせ(ハイブリット)“Madhhab-i ʿishq (The School of Love): Rūmī and the (Non)-Representation of Shiʿism in 13th Century Anatolia”


2024/01/12【事前申込要】CISMORセミナーno.4/2023開催のお知らせ(ハイブリット)“Madhhab-i ʿishq (The School of Love): Rūmī and the (Non)-Representation of Shiʿism in 13th Century Anatolia”


この度、同志社大学一神教学際研究センター(CISMOR)では、Dr. Lloyd Ridgeon (Reader in Islamic Studies, the Department of Theology, University of Glasgow)氏をお招きして、CISMORセミナー

“Madhhab-i ʿishq (The School of Love): Rūmī and the (Non)-Representation of Shiʿism in 13th Century Anatolia”


タイトル:“Madhhab-i ʿishq (The School of Love): Rūmī and the (Non)-Representation of Shiʿism in 13th Century Anatolia”

講演者:Dr. Lloyd Ridgeon (Reader in Islamic Studies, the Department of Theology, University of Glasgow)


場所:同志社大学今出川校地寧静(ねいせい)館 3階 35番教室


申込期限:2024年1月9日 オンライン参加ご希望の方には1月10日までに Zoom URL をお知らせいたします。

お問い合わせ先:Naoki Nishiyama (nishiyama[at]ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp)([a]を@に変えてください)

報告の概要  During the 13th century Sufism became increasingly popular in the Islamic heartlands, to the extent that it became a “normative” and perhaps the most common expression of Islam. One of the most celebrated exponents of Sufism is Rūmī (d. 1273) and his “School of Love” helps to explain for the relative absence of denominational conflict between Sunnis and Shiʿas at this time. By examining the context of Sufism in the 12th and 13th centuries, and investigating Rūmī’s poetic works (such as his voluminous Dīwān and the Mathnawī), and in particular, where he references specific individuals, events or groups of people held sacred by the Shiʿas, it is possible to ascertain the significance that major Sunni-Sufis attributed to the Shiʿi communities and their beliefs.

*1月20日(土)に東京で開催されるDr. Lloyd Ridgeonの講演会、1月23日(月)に東京大学で開催されるDr. Lloyd Ridgeonによる大学院セミナーのご案内は近日中に発表いたします。1月16日には京都大学主催の講演会が京都で開催されます。

This event is co-hosted by CISMOR, Doshisha University; the JSPS Kakenhi Project “”Sunnis” and “Shiʿis”: Historical Inquiries into Confessional Identities and Mutual Perceptions” (23H00674); and Kazuhiro Arai Laboratory, Faculty of Business and Commerce, Keio University, and supported by Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University and the Japan Office, Association for the Study of Persianate Societies.