2024/02/05【事前申込要】CISMORセミナーno.5/2023開催のお知らせ(ハイブリット)”Encountering the Suffering of the Other. Israelis and Palestinians visit the suffering of the other group”
2024/02/05【事前申込要】CISMORセミナーno.5/2023開催のお知らせ(ハイブリット)”Encountering the Suffering of the Other. Israelis and Palestinians visit the suffering of the other group”
【日時】2024年2月5日(月)(Japan) 13:00-15:00
Prof. Dr. Martin Leiner Director of Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies. Chair of Systematic Theology at Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena, Germany. Extraordinary Professor at Stellenbosch University, South Africa.
Dr. Laura Villanueva Director of Satoyama for Peace and postdoctoral researcher and director of practice at Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies. Since many years Dr Villanueva is bringing Palestinians and Israelis to Japan and works with a special approach for peace. Dr. Villanueva has worked with individuals in Japan, the Middle East, and Latin America, using a unique approach to peace rooted in the Satoyama.
【会場】同志社大学今出川キャンパス 神学館2階 演習室2
【オンライン】ZOOM Platform
問い合わせ先 同志社大学 一神教学際研究センター
TEL :075-251-3972 FAX:075-251-3092 E-mail: rc-issin@mail.doshisha.ac.jp