Date |
Theme |
Lecturer |
2023/02/18 |
〈神学する〉とは何か —性差別と運動の批判的継承— |
- 堀江 有里(関西学院大学社会学部ほか非常勤講師、日本基督教団京都教区巡回教師)
2022/12/18 |
第6回「「シオン/エルサレム/聖地」観の再検討:聖地テキストから今日に至るまで」 |
- Dr. Zeev Harvey (Professor Emeritus of Jewish Thought, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The Faculty of Humanities)
2022/12/04 |
The Return of the Absent Father A New Reading of a Chain of Stories from the Babylonian Talmud |
- Prof. Haim Weiss (the Hebrew Literature at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israele department)
- Dr. Shira Stav (Senior lecturer in the department of Hebrew Literature at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
2022/11/19 |
First International Workshop by Halal KAKEN Project; “Standardization of Halal Standards and Dynamics of Diversity in the Global Era” |
- Dr.Nadratuzzaman Hosen (UIN Syarif Hidayatullah)
- Dr.Rosmiza Bidin (Universiti Putra Malaysia)
- Dr.Smeet E-sore(Krirk university)
2022/11/12 |
CISMOR Young Scholars’ Workshop 2022-2 |
- 久保田昌弘 ルードヴィッヒ・マクシミリアン大学ミュンヘン福音主義学科博士課程
- 辻坂真也 同志社大学神学研究科博士後期課程
- 山中弘次 同志社大学神学研究科博士後期課程
- 何懿亭(カ イテイ) 同志社大学神学研究科博士後期課程
2022/10/30 |
「クルアーンの理解と解釈:古典期ウラマーの実践を中心に」 |
- OKAWA Reiko(Professor. Department of International Studies Faculty of International Studies)
- TAKEDA Toshiyuki(Associate Professor. Ritsumeikan Asia-Japan Research Organization)
2022/09/24 |
第2回 古代中近東冥界研究会「冥界との交流」 |
- Hajime Yamamoto, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor at Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University)
- Tokihisa Higo, PhD. (JSPS Research Fellow at College of Human and Social Sciences, Kanazawa University)
- Miyaki Arai (Doctoral Student at School of Theology, Doshisha University; JSPS Research Fellow)
2022/07/16 |
“Those Who Worship Other Than You” The Plurality of Religions in Solomon Ibn Gabirol’s Keter Malkhut |
- Prof. Jonathan Decter, Professor at the Department of Near Eastern and Judaic Studeis, Head of the Humanities Division, Brandeis University, USA
2022/05/14 |
CISMOR Young Scholars’ Workshop 2022-1 |
- KENJO Megumi, Special Researcher, CISMOR, Doshisha University
- KAGIYA Hideyuki, Special Researcher, CISMOR, Doshisha University
- ISHIIDA Megumi, Docotral Student, Graduate School of Theology, Doshisha University
2022/01/29 |
“Netherworld” in Ancient Near Eastern Studies |
- Hajime Yamamoto, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor at Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University)
- Tokihisa Higo, PhD. (JSPS Research Fellow at College of Human and Social Sciences, Kanazawa University)
- Miyaki Arai (Doctoral Student at School of Theology, Doshisha University; JSPS Research Fellow)
- Hogue Timothy Scott, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba)
2021/12/18 |
第4回 「シオン/エルサレム/聖地」観の再検討:聖書テキストから今日に至るまで |
- 嶋田英晴(立教大学、國學院大學、神田外語大学、各兼任講師)
2021/12/11 |
教会は誰のためのものか -クィア、フェミニズム、エキュメニズム- |
- 工藤万里江(明治学院大学キリスト教研究所客員研究員)
- 安田真由子(ルーテル学院大学非常勤講師)
- 藤原佐和子(CISMORリサーチフェロー、同志社大学神学部嘱託講師)
- 朝香知己(CISMORリサーチフェロー、同志社大学神学部嘱託講師)
2021/12/04 |
“Resistance and Reconciliation. Martin Buber’s Stance towards Germany during NS time and After Auschwitz” |
- Dr. Francesco Ferrari (Coordinator, Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies (JCRS) Coordinator, Graduate Programme "Religion-Conflict-Reconciliation" (RCR) Coordinator, DFG Project “Hearts of Flesh - not Stone” Post-Doc Research Fellow, Chair for Systematic Theology and Ethics FRIEDRICH SCHILLER UNIVERSITY JENA )
2021/11/27 |
CISMOR Young Scholars’ Workshop 2021-2 |
- 神田 朋美 同志社大学神学研究科博士後期課程
- 山中弘次 同志社大学神学研究科博士後期課程
- 本間優太 同志社大学神学研究科博士後期課程
- 鍵谷秀之 同志社大学神学研究科博士後期課程(9月修了)
- Asmao Diallo グローバル・スタディーズ研究科博士課程
2021/10/23 |
「シオン/エルサレム/聖地」観の再検討:聖書テキストから今日に至るまで |
- Ishiguro Anri(JSPS Postdoctral Research Fellow, The University of Kitakyushu)
- Hiraoka Kotaro(Part-time lecturer, Doshisha University)
2021/10/09 |
Perspectives of the Structural Problems in the Deep South of Thailand – Conflict Resolutions, Gender, and Migration Networks – |
- Tanapat Jundittawong, PhD. (Visiting Researcher, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Ryukyus, Japan)
- Ruengrin Pratippornkul (Doctoral Student, Department of Comparative Public Policy, School of International Public Policy, University of Osaka, Japan)
- Naomi Nishi (Part time Lecturer, Faculty of Law, CISMOR Research Fellow- Islam Studies Section, Doshisha University, Japan)
2021/05/15 |
CISMOR Young Scholars’ Workshop 2021-1 |
- Tsujisaka Shinya (Graduate School of Theology, Doshisha University)
- Arai Miyaki (Graduate School of Theology, Doshisha University)
- Hasebe Takatoshi (Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University)
- Nagasuna Tsubasa (Graduate School of Theology, Doshisha University)
- Liu Jingde(MA student of the Graduate School of Theology, Doshisha University)
2021/03/21 |
Why Evangelical Christians support Trump? -Analyzing the faith votes of Evangelicals, Catholics and Christian Zionists in the United States-. |
- MATSUMOTO Saho, Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Culture and Coexistence(Western Cultural Studies), Nagoya City University
2021/03/06 |
Reconciliation in Judaism |
- Professor Dr. Martin Leiner, Director of Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies (JCRC) ,Friedrich-Schiller- University Jena
2020/03/19 |
第2回「シオン/エルサレム/聖地」観の再検討:聖書テキストから今日に至るまで |
- Shida Masahiro (Lecturer, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo)
2020/12/12 |
教会は誰のためのものか -キリスト教、ジェンダー、セクシュアリティ- |
- FUJIWARA Sawako(CISMOR Research Fellow、Part-time lecturer, Doshisha University)
- ASAKA Tomoki(CISMOR Research Fellow、Part-time lecturer, Doshisha University)
- KUDO Marie(PhD Student, Graduate School of Christian Studies, Rikkyo University)
2020/11/28 |
CISMOR Young Scholars’ Workshop 2020-2 |
- Tsujisaka Shinya (Graduate School of Theology, Doshisha University)
- Asano Keyaki(MA student of the Graduate School of Theology)
- Arai Miyaki (Graduate School of Theology, Doshisha University)
- Kawai Ryuta (Graduate School of Letters, Doshisha University)
- Ishiida megumi (Graduate School of Theology, Doshisha University)
- Nagasuna Tsubasa(MA student of the Graduate School of Theology)
- Okazaki Yuki (Graduate School of Theology, Doshisha University)
2020/11/07 |
CISMOR Research Fellow Workshop by Young Scholars Revisiting Turkish Soft-Power: The Power of Islam or Neo-Ottomanism? |
- Masako Nakaya (Doshisha University)
- Yasmin Sattar (Prince of Songkla University)
- Kanatbek Beishenaliev (Doshisha University)
- Ko Iwakura (Kyoto University)
2020/09/26 |
CISMOR Research Fellow Workshop in 2020 by Young Scholars: Ancient Near Eastern Studies |
- Arai Miyaki (Graduate School of Theology, Doshisha University)
- Omata Nanae(Marburg University Ph.D.)
- Higo Tokihisa(Kanazawa University,JSPS Postdoctral Fellow)
- Yamamoto Hajime (JSPS Postdoctral Fellow/ CISMOR Research Fellow)
2020/09/03 |
CISMOR International Workshop on Jewish Perspectives of Law |
- Dr. Zvi Stampfer (Head of The Research Authority, Orot Israel College, Israel and the Editor of Ginzei-Qedem: Genizah Research Annual)
- Dr. Amir Ashur ( Research Fellow, Tel Aviv University and Orot College Research Authority, Israel)
- Prof. Ada Taggar Cohen ( Professor of Bible, Ancient Near East and Jewish Studies Graduate School of Theology, Doshisha University)
- Dr. Tetsu Kitamura (Post-Doctoral Fellow, Organization for Research Initiatives and Development (CISMOR), Doshisha University)
- Prof. Etsuko Katsumata (Professor of Jewish Studies, Graduate School of Theology, Doshisha University )
- Dr. Kotaro Hiraoka (Part-time Lecturer, School of Theology, Doshisha University )
- Dr. Hideharu Shimada (Part-time lecturer, Rikkyo University/ Kokugakuin University/ Kanda University of International Studies)
2020/05/30 |
CISMOR workshop for Young Scholars Doshisha University |
- Kanatbek Beishenaliev, Graduate School of Global Studies
- Muto Ako, Graduate School of Global Studies
- Diallo Asmao, Graduate School of Global Studies
- Arai Miyaki, Graduate School of Theology
- Kagiya Hideyuki, Graduate School of Theology
- Yamada Yoji, Graduate School of Theology
2019/12/08 |
CISMOR Workshop in 2019 by Young Scholars: Ancient Near Eastern Studies |
- Miyaki Arai (PhD student of the Graduate School of Theology)
- Kaori Ozawa(Lecturer, School of Letters, Kobe College)
- Shinya Suzuki(National Institute of Technology, Tokyo College)
- Nurcan Küçükarslan (Graduate Student, Institute for Planetary Materials at Okayama University)
- Shinya Tsujisaka (PhD student of the Graduate School of Theology)
- Tokihisa Higo (PhD student of the Graduate School of Kansai University)
- Hajime Yamamoto (JSPS Postdoctral Research Fellow, Doshisha University)
2019/05/11 |
The First CISMOR Young Scholars’ Research Group Workshop |
- Kyoko Shiga (PhD student of the Graduate School of Global Studies)
- Ako Muto (PhD student of the Graduate School of Global Studies)
- Miyaki Arai(PhD student of the Graduate School of Theology)
- Etsuko Tsutsumi, (PhD student of the Graduate School of Theology)
- Asano Keyaki,(MA student of the Graduate School of Theology)
- Takuya Kobayashi, (PhD student of the Graduate School of Theology)
2018/12/08 |
Political, Social and Religious Perspectives in the Modern and Ancient Middle East |
- Ako Muto (Ph.D. Student, Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University)
- Ibrahim A. Anli (Ph.D. Student, Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University)
- Kyoko Shiga (Ph.D. Student, Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University)
- Ai Kotera (Ph.D. Student, Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University)
- Fumie Hayafuji (Ph.D. Student, the School of Theology, Doshisha University)
- Dr. Yu Hoki (Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo University)
- Dr. Teppei Kato (Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and Adjunct Lecturer in the Department of Theology at Doshisha University)
2018/12/02 |
Aspects of Judaism and Beyond |
- Daisuke Shibata (Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social, University of Tsukuba)
- Keiko Kobori (Associate Professor, Teikyo University of Science)
- Kyoko Nakanishi (Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo)
- Hakamada Wataru (Faculty of Letters, Okayama University)
- Etsuko Katsumata (Associate Professor, School of Theology, Doshisha University)
- Joe Sakurai (Otsuma Women’s University)
- Masahiro Shida (Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
- Mina Lee (The University of Tokyo)
- Ryouka Aoki(Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo)
- Madoka Inoue(Associate Professor, Seisen University)
- Yukie Tatta (Part time lecturer, School of Global Studies, Tama University)
2018/12/01 |
Ancient Near Eastern Studies |
- Shinya Tsujisaka (Doshisha University)
- Sho Sugimoto(PREC Institute Inc.)
- Hajime Yamamoto(Doshisha University, JSPS Research Fellow)
- Atsumi Ishida (University of Tsukuba)
- Akiko Tsujita (Leiden University)
- Mai Tsuneki (Kokushikan University)
- Miyaki Arai (Doshisha University)
- Mariya Masubuchi (Japan Center for International Cooperation inConcervation, Independent Administrative Institution National Institutes for Cultural Heritage Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties)
2018/04/14 |
First Young Scholars’ Research Group Workshop |
- Yuji Endo (Graduate School of Theology, Doshisha University)
- Etsuko Tsutsum (Graduate School of Theology, Doshisha University)
- Michio Akao (Graduate School of Theology, Doshisha University)
- Takuya Kobayashi (Graduate School of Theology, Doshisha University)
- Megumi Ishiida (Graduate School of Theology, Doshisha University)
- Shirah M. Cohen (The Institute for the Liberal Arts, Doshisha University)
- Yu Amano (Graduate School of Theology, Doshisha University)
- Miyaki Arai (Graduate School of Theology, Doshisha University)
- Kayo Yasunaka (Graduate School of Theology, Doshisha University)
- Tetsu Kitamura (Post Doctral Fellow of CISMOR, Doshisha University/ CISMOR Research Fellow )
- Kotaro Hiraoka (Assistant Professor of Scholl of Theology, Doshisha University/ CISMOR Reserach Fellow)
- Anri Ishiguro (Assistant Professor of Scholl of Theology, Doshisha University/ CISMOR Reserach Fellow)
- Hajime Yamamoto (JSPS Postdoctral Fellow/ CISMOR Research Fellow)
- Taiji Abe (Post Doctral Fellow of CISMOR, Doshisha University/ CISMOR Research Fellow )
2016/11/27 |
Judaism and Japanese Cultures: Encountering Judaism and Buddhism in Hebrew Literature Conference in Honor of Yoel Hoffmann’s Writings, Translations, and Beyond |
- Prof. Nilie Gold (Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania)
- Dr. Rachel Albeck-Gidron (Senior Lecturer, Bar Ilan University)
- Prof. Iddo Landau (Professor, University of Haifa)
- Prof. Masato Goda (Professor, Meiji University, Tokyo)
- Prof. Admiel Kosman (Professor, University of Potsdam)
- Prof. Janine Beichman(Professor, Daito Bunka University, Tokyo)
- Dr. Doron B. Cohen (Lecturer, Doshisha University, Kyoto)
- Dr. Michal (Miki) Daliot-Bul (Senior Lecturer, University of Haifa)
- Dr. Lihi Yariv-Laor (Senior Lecturer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Dr. Kazue Hosoda (Specially affiliated Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
- Prof. Yoshimi Miyake (Professor, Akita University)
- Prof. Takafumi Akimoto (Professor, Konan University, Kobe)
- Prof. Hiroshi Ichikawa (Professor , University of Tokyo)
- Prof. Yu Takeuchi (Professor, Kumamoto University)
- Ms. Mariko Tsujita (Independent Scholar, Doshisha University Alumni, Kyoto)
2015/12/20 |
Martyrdom in Maimonides and his predecessors |
- Josef Stern (Professor, Chicago University)
2015/11/07 |
Jews and Judaism in Japan |
- Ada Taggar-Cohen(Professor, Doshisha University)
- Hiroshi Ichikawa (Professor, Tokyo University)
2015/10/20 |
Transpacific Protestantism in the Age of Empire |
- Gavin James Campbell (Professor, Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University)
2015/05/16 |
Economic Activities of the Islamic Society – A case of the Pakistan Zaibatsu |
- Naoki Kawamitsu (Associate Professor, Faculty of Commerce , Doshisha University)
2015/02/28 2015/03/01 |
Kabbalah and Sufism – Esoteric Beliefs and Practices in Judaism and Islam in Modern Times |
- Prof. Boaz Huss (Ben Grion University)
- Prof. Mark Sedgwick (Aarhus Univrersity)
- Hajime Yamamoto (Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Kyoto University)
- Koji Osawa (Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo University)
- Aiko Kanda (Ph.D candidate of Doshisha University)
- Shinichi Yamamoto (Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Kyoto University)
2014/10/11 |
Transforming Moral Values to Social Value: Altruistic Activism of Faith-Based Civil Society Organizations in Turkey |
- Idiris Danismaz (Assistant Professor, Organization for Advanced Research and Education, Doshisha University)
2014/09/21 |
Immigrant Acculturation and Transnationalism: Israelis in the United States and Europe compared |
- Professor Uzi Rebhun (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
2014/07/12 |
A Dialogue between Ecological Economy and Christian Theology |
- Yoshihiko Wada (Professor, Faculty of Economics, Doshisha University)
2014/01/26 |
Jews and Judaism in Japan |
- Ada Taggar-Cohen(Professor, Doshisha University) Chizuko Takao(Research Fellow, Rikkyo University) Izumi Sato(Professor, Toyogakuen University) Hiroshi Ichikawa(Professor, The University of Tokyo) Etsuko Katsumata(Assistant Professor, Doshisha University) Doron B. Cohen(Lecturer, Doshisha University)
- Chizuko Takao(Research Fellow, Rikkyo University)
- Izumi Sato(Professor, Toyogakuen University)
- Hiroshi Ichikawa(Professor, The University of Tokyo)
- Etsuko Katsumata(Assistant Professor, Doshisha University)
- Doron B. Cohen(Lecturer, Doshisha University)
2013/12/14 |
Interrelations and Dialogue among the Communities of Monotheistic Religions in the Multicultural Age |
- Yohei Matsuyama (Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science )
- Kazunori Hamamoto (Doctral Student of the Graduate School of Theology, Doshisha University)
- Kotaro Hiraoka (Doctral Student of the Graduate School of Theology, Doshisha University)
- Aiko Kanda ( Doctral Student of the Graduate School of Theology, Doshisha University)
2013/09/21 |
Conflict or Consensus among Religious Tradition and Modern Values |
- Amal Refaat (Lecturer, Cairo University)
- Saeed Atiah Aly(Professor, Al-Azhar University)
- Naglaa Rafat Salem(Assistant Professor, Cairo University)
- Junya Shinohe(Professor, Doshisha university)
2013/07/20 |
Moderate Islam and the Role of Civil Society: A Case of Muhammadiyah |
- Din Syamsuddin, Professor of Islamic Political Thought at State Islamic University (UIN) of Jakarta
2013/06/20 |
Jewish Cultural Creativity in Medieval Times and its Relations |
- Prof. Marc Saperstein (The George Washington University, DC)
- Dr. Daniel Davies (Cambridge University Library)
- Prof. Warren Zev Harvey (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)