


ユダヤ学会議 vol.7 / The 7th CISMOR Conference on Jewish Studies vol.7

Jewish Cultural Creativity in Medieval Times and its Relations With Christian and Islam Traditions of Thought

目次: Contents


序 論/ Introduction

ドロン・B・コヘン/Doron B. Cohen 
 「二つの世界のあいだで」 / “Between Two Worlds”


Part I: Jewish Culture in Medieval Christian Europe

Marc Saperstein
“Medieval Jewish Cultural Creativity in Response to Persecution”
Marc Saperstein 
“Medieval Jewish Cultural Creativity Under Christian Infl uence”
― Texts quoted at the workshop
Doron B. Cohen 
“On Theodicy, Medieval Pietists and the Suffering Messiah: A Response to Marc Saperstein”
― Hebrew texts quoted in the response


Part II: Aspects of Jewish Medieval Thought: Maimonides

Warren Zev Harvey 
“Maimonides’ Monotheism: Between the Bible and Aristotle”
Warren Zev Harvey
“Maimonides on the Meaning of ‘Perplexity’ (hayra=aporía)”
Hisao Takagi 
“‘One Word that Guides us to the Philosophy: A Response to Warren Zev Harvey”
Warren Zev Harvey
Addenda following the workshop discussion


Part III: Jewish Culture Encountering Muslim Thought

Daniel Davies
“Between Philosophers and Theologians: Maimonides’ Response to Avicenna’s Infinite World”
Aiko Kanda 
“Cosmology of Maimonides: Examining the Differences in Greek and Islamic Thought”
Yu Hoki
“Specifi c Property and Specifi c Form in Maimonides’ Medical Literature and Guide for the Perplexed”
Toshiharu Nigo
“Eastward Advance of Andalusian Jewish-Muslim Culture from the 12th Century Onward:Toward a New Vision of Islamic Thought”

プログラム/Program of the Conference

出席者一覧/ List of Participants

編集後記/Editorial Comment







ユダヤ学会議 vol.6 / The 5th CISMOR Conference on Jewish Studies vol.6
ヘブライ語文化の復興: 現代ユダヤ教における意義・日本文化との関係
“The Revival of Hebrew Culture in the Context of Modern Judaism and in Relation to Japan

目次: Contents

巻頭言/ Preface

挨 拶/ Greetings

アダ・タガー・コヘン/ Ada Taggar-Cohen 
序 論/ Introduction
A. B. イェホシュア/ A. B. Yehoshua
“Israel Between Myth and History”
ニッツァ・ベン=ドヴ/ Nitza Ben-Dov
“Hebrew Culture- A World of Words and Journeys”
高尾 千津子/ Chizuko Takao
「オデッサからヤッフォへ— 19 世紀ロシアにおけるヘブライ文学の発展」
“From Odessa to Jaffa- The Evolution of Hebrew Literature since the 19th Century”
赤尾 光春/ Mitsuharu Akao
「シオニスト的ユートピア小説の系譜と 『他者』の不在」
“Genealogy of Zionist Utopian Novels and the Absence of ‘Others’”
細田 和江/ Kazue Hosoda
“‘Who am I ?’ : Quest for Lost Identities in Sayed Kashua’s Fiction”
A.B.イェホシュア(翻訳:勝又 直也、悦子)/
A. B. Yehoshua (Translation: Naoya & Etsuko Katsumata) 
“The Non-Literary Reality of the Novelist in Israel”
三宅 良美/ Yoshimi Miyake
“Saying and Not-saying- Israeli Contemporary Films and Japanese Films”
A. B. イェホシュア/ A. B. Yehoshua
“The Place of the Hebrew Writer in the Revival of Zionism”
ニッツァ・ベン=ドヴ/ Nitza Ben-Dov 
「作家と批評家— 個人的証言」
“The Writer and the Critic — A Personal Testimony”
村田 靖子/ Yasuko Murata 
「A.B. イェホシュアの『マル・マニ』について」
“A. B. Yehoshua’s Mar Mani – A Sephardic World with Jerusalem as a Focal Point”
ドロン・B・コヘン/ Doron B. Cohen
“Translation and Publishing of Japanese Literature in Hebrew- Tendencies and Episodes”
ミハル(ミキ)・ダリオット・ブル/ Michal (Miki) Daliot-Bul 
“The Agony and the Joy of Translating from Japanese to Hebrew”

プログラム/Program of the Conference

出席者一覧/ List of Participants

編集後記/ Editorial Comment









ユダヤ学会議 vol.5 / The 5th CISMOR Conference on Jewish Studies vol.5


Judaism and Christianity in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages (English Part)

目次: Contents

巻頭言 : Preface

アダ・タガー・コヘン/ Ada Taggar-Cohen 
Introduction- The study of Early Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism
A. B. イェホシュア/ A. B. Yehoshua
“Israel Between Myth and History”
ペーター・シェーファー/ Peter Schäfer
Jewish Responses to the Emergence of Christianity
ペーター・シェーファー/ Peter Schäfer
タルムードのイエス Jesus in the Talmud
市川 裕/ Hiroshi Ichikawa
コメント Comment
浅野淳博/ Atsuhiro Asano
Partings of the Ways in the Apostolic Fathers
村山盛葦/ Moriyoshi Murayama
Comment- Considerations on the Relationship between the Self-definition of Early Christians and Judaism
前川 裕/ Yutaka Maekawa
Jews in the Gospels -A History or a Narrative?
石川 立/ Ritsu Ishikawa
Comment- Is the Methodology of Narrative Criticism Effective in Addressing Historical Questions?
オーラ・リモール/ Ora Limor
Jews and Christians -Dialogue, Debate, Discord
オーラ・リモール/ Ora Limor
Mary and the Jews- The Virgin Mary in the Christian-Jewish Debate
ドロン・B・コヘン/ Doron B. Cohen
“Translation and Publishing of Japanese Literature in Hebrew- Tendencies and Episodes”
越後屋朗/ Akira Echigoya
コメント Comment

プログラム: Program of the Conference

編集後記: Editorial comment