2004年度 イスラエル夏期研修プログラム
KLM 868 大阪発 10:30→アムステルダム着 15:15
KLM 461 アムステルダム発 19:50→テル・アビブ着 8月18日(水)1:20
09:00 視察
Major holy sites of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism in East Jerusalem
A view from the Mount of Olives; Temple Mount (Haram A-Sharif), including Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dom of the Rock; Western and Southern Wall excavations; computer simulation of the Second Temple at the Davidson Center.
午後の部 視察
Via Dolorosa
Holy Sepulcher Church, which commemorates the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
ガイド: Halvor Roning (Yochanan Ronen)
08:30-17:00 シェヒター・ユダヤ学研究所でのセミナー「現代世界における宗教の指導性」に参加
Host: Rabbi Dr. Harvey Meirovich, Dean of the Rabbinical School
Organizer: Rabbi Dr. Einat Ramon
1) Session on Judaism
"The concept of ‘the prophet’ according to Abraham Joshua Heschel, and its implications to modern understanding of leadership”Rabbi Dr. Alex Even-Chen (Dean of Graduate school of the Schechter Institute)
2) Session on Christianity
“Uchimura Kanzo and leadership in Japan of today”Prof. Katsuhiro Kohara (Professor of Doshisha University)
3) Session on Islam
"Orthodox Islamic Responses to Critical Readings of the Qur'an: The Case of Nasr Hamed Abu Zayed"
Mr. Muhammad Abu-Samra (Tel Aviv University)
17:30 イスラエル博物館・死海写本館訪問
ガイド: Dr. Adolfo Roitman (学芸員)
08:00 エルサレム近郊の分離壁視察
ガイド:a representative of Rabbis for Human Rights, an organization that intervenes on behalf of Palestinians, to protect their human rights. (http://www.rhr.israel.net/)
その後 エルサレム西地区視察
A visit to the area west of Jerusalem, where Jews, Christians, and Moslems live in close proximity, including:
Yad-Hashmona, a village established by Christians from Finland, where Messianic Jews also live.
Abu-Ghosh, a Moslem village with Christian churches, where we will meet a Benedictine monk and a Moslem-Arab woman, who will also serve an authentic Arab lunch.
Ein-Karem – a historic village with churches and monasteries, including the Church of the Visitation (Magnificat).
17:30頃 視察
drive to a Conservative synagogue in Jerusalem to join a Sabbath-eve prayer with the people of the Schechter Institute.
a Sabbath dinner at the homes of members of the Conservative community, including Mrs. Nurit Novis (who was at the CISMOR conference in February).
Drive down in the direction of Jericho, to visit the full-scale replica of the Wilderness Tabernacle beside Kibbutz Kalia, near the Dead Sea.
A dip in the Dead Sea, at one of its public beaches.
Drive on to Qumran to see the introductory video and museum, and to visit the ruins of the Dead Sea Scroll Community settlement.
Lunch at the Qumran self service cafeteria (paid individually).
Return to Jerusalem to visit the Israel Museum’s Archeological and Judaica sections.
ガイド: Halvor Roning (Yochanan Ronen)
Organizer: Prof. Reuven Amitai, Head of the Institute of Asian and African Studies.
09:00-12:30 Lectures (including a coffee break)
12:30-14:00 Lunch and tour of the campus.
14:00-16:00 Lectures
A coffee break with members of the Departments of East Asian Studies (including Prof. Ben-Ami Shilloni, Mrs. Mariko Tsujita) and Biblical Studies.
18:00 ヤッフォ、テル・アビブの視察
Organizer: Department of History, Philosophy, and Judaic studies of the Open University.
場所: Beit-Daniel, the guesthouse of the Open University.
Hosts: Prof. Ora Limor, Head of the Research Authority,
Dr. Ram Ben-Shalom, Head of the Department
Organizer: Dr. Avriel Bar-Levav
10:30 Reception and Morning Session
Presentation of the participants
Presentation of The Open University of Israel
Presentation of Doshisha University
Scholarly Presentations – 20 minutes each, followed by a discussion of 10 minutes
11:00 Dr. Rivka Nir – The Origins of Apocalyptic Literature: Judaism or Christianity
11:30 Prof. Ora Limor – Holy Places Shared by Three Religions
12:00 Dr. Ram Ben-Shalom – Jewish Martyrology in Spain
12:30 Dr. Avriel Bar-Levav – Jewish Rituals in a Social Context
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Afternoon Session
Dr. Daphna Ephrat – Disseminating the Sufi "path" in Medieval Islamic Societies: Content and Practice
15:00 Prof. Miura- Mathematics in Medieval Islam
15:30 Prof. Henry Wassermann – Religion and Nationalism or the Invention of Tradition
16:00 Dr. Aviva Halamish – Jerusalem and the Three Religions
17:00 チクロン・ヤコブ視察
Drive to Nazareth for an extended two hour visit of a full-scale replica of a 2000 year old farm village, with such items as grain fields, vineyard, threshing floor, wine press, olive press, carpenter shop, weaving center, animal stall, dwellings, and synagogue – with live actors dressed in biblical garb involved in some of the activities according to the season.
午後の部 視察
Ruins of Capernaum, residence of Jesus during most of his public ministry.
See its ancient synagogue and study facilities, and earliest Byzantine church. Return across the Armageddon Plains, through the Carmel Hills via the Megiddo Pass, and on to the Sharon Plains.
ガイド: Halvor Roning (Yochanan Ronen)
KLM 462 テル・アビブ発 05:30→アムステルダム着 09:35
KLM 867 アムステルダム発 14:25→大阪着8月26日 08:35