Public Lectures

This page gives you the detail of CISMOR lectures. We report on the past public lectures to return the results of our research to society.

As for closed meetings or workshops, click here for more information. At the international workshop, a specific theme is discussed and studied in-depth with invited researchers from all over the world. Through these workshops, we hope to form a global network of researchers for the interdisciplinary study of monotheistic religions.

Date Title Speaker
Indian architectural culture -historical perspectives on multi-religious fusion,electicism,coexistenoe and friction Naoko Fukami(Director of the Cairo Research Station, The Japann society for the promotion of science (JSPS))
イランの抗議デモにみる 中東ユーラシアの地政学 ウクライナ戦争の影響 Hisae Nakanishi (Professor of the Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University)
What is The Epic of Gilgamesh? Watanabe Kazuko(Professor Emerita, Faculty of Human Sciences, Toyo Eiwa University)
【need registration】Revisiting Identity Politics in Iran and Its Surrounding World in the Age of Information Warfare Dr. Seyed Ali Alavi(Lecturer, Near and Middle East Section, School of the languages, Cultures and Linguistics, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London)

Discussant: Hisae Nakanishi(Professor of the Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University)
Double-Headed Eagle or Handmaiden of the State?: The Orthodox Churches in Russia and Ukraine TAKAHASHI Sanami ( Lecturer, Faculty of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University)
Islam as a Symbol of the City: The Construction of Mosques in Istanbul MIYASHITA Ryo (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Language and Culture, Osaka University)
The Potential of Martin Buber’s Ich und Du : On the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Publication. ONO Fumio (Associate Professor, Faculty of Global and Regional Studies, Doshisha University)
巨人の名残り-遺物をめぐる中世イスラーム世界の驚異譚と巨人 YAMANAKA Yuriko(国立民族学博物館人類文明誌研究部・教授)
Commentator: HAYASHI Norihito(龍谷大学国際学部国際文化学科・准教授)